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Residential & Community Conservation

Conservation practices implemented in residential, urban, and suburban communities can have a big impact on improving water quality and protecting our surrounding environment. District staff can provide technical assistance and advice for determining what types of conservation practices are best suited for your property. If your project is eligible, District staff can also help you submit an application for financial assistance when available. 

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Most conservation efforts in residential and suburban communities focus on managing stormwater runoff and preventing soil erosion. Stormwater runoff is generated from rain and snowmelt that flows over land and does not soak into the ground. When this runoff flows uninterrupted across the landscape, it can cause erosion and increased flooding, and often carries pollutants into nearby streams and rivers. By trying to limit and capture this runoff, we can prevent some of those concerns. Click the links below to learn more about common stormwater management practices in our area. 

Rain Gardens

Rainwater Harvesting (Rain Barrels)

Permeable Pavement

Conservation Landscaping

Living Shorelines 

Lawn Nutrient Management Planning

Dry Wells 

Vegetated Conveyance Systems

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