Starting July 1st and ending August 30th, all agricultural producers in New Kent, Charles City, James City, and York Counties will be able to apply and possibly participate in the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share (VACS) program. This program offers cost-share reimbursement funding for agricultural BMPs such as cover cropping, livestock exclusion from waterways, sediment or erosion control structures, no-till farming practices, and many more.
As Sam announced in our last blog post, we are also excited to be participating in a program that provides a comprehensive approach to conservation planning for farms in our district, the Whole Farm Approach (WFA), through the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR). Whether you have livestock, crops, nursery, or mixed operation – read Sam's post to find out if the Whole Farm Approach is right for your agricultural enterprise.
Get Started Today! Our district has an agriculture team of four on staff who are ready to work with farm owners and operators to develop comprehensive conservation plans. Give us a call at the district office to learn more! (757) 645-4895.