Amanda WhispellJul 30Beneficial Bugs - HoverfliesHoverflies are amazing little insects and they do so much good, which is why they are the beneficial insect I will be talking about today.
Amanda WhispellJul 24Colonial World Nature Conservation Day BioBlitzA short note summarizing the first annual Colonial World Nature Conservation Day BioBlitz at New Quarter Park.
Amanda WhispellApr 29Should I worry about periodical cicadas?A short note explaining the life history of the amazing periodical cicadas. Find out if they pose any risks to you or to your garden.
Amanda WhispellApr 3Teaching the next generation about native pollinatorsA great day at the Williamsburg Farm Camp where we had the chance to talk to the students all about native pollinators!
Amanda WhispellMar 15First CSWCD Newsletter PublishedThe first issue of our new newsletter is filled with useful information that has been contributed by all of the CSWCD staff.
Amanda WhispellMar 12Beneficial Bugs - Green LacewingsThis is the first article in a series I will be doing on beneficial bugs - the Green Lacewing
Amanda WhispellOct 3, 20234th Annual BugFestA summary of our day at the 4th Annual Bugfest in September 2023.
Amanda WhispellMay 12, 2023Earth Day at Ford's ColonyFor Earth Day 2023 Emma Rich, Bob Winters, and I were lucky enough to spend the afternoon at the Ford's Colony Earth Day celebration. It...