SWCD Director Elections – Elected Director Positions
The general election: November 7, 2023.
The filing deadline: 7:00 pm Tuesday, June 20, 2023
(by the third Tuesday in June. This is a change from previous elections)
§ 24.2-507. Deadlines for filing declarations and petitions of candidacy. For any office, declarations of candidacy and the petitions therefor shall be filed according to the following schedule: 1. For a general election in November, by 7:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday in June.
Some useful links:
State Board of Elections website (choose the 'Local and Constitutional Offices Bulletin')
Instructions for Candidates – provides links to resources and forms.
Below are the forms you will need to complete:
Petition of Qualified Voters – must be printed two-sided (front and back)
Request for Exemption from Reporting Requirements (optional but recommended – read this carefully)
Statement of Organization for a Candidate Committee (see VA COMET online application and associated instructions)
Some additional information:
The number of petition signatures required: 25
- See page 12 of the Local and Constitutional Office Bulletin -
The number of petition signatures recommend: 30 or more
- In case any who sign are not registered voters -
You will need a separate depository to maintain election funds, even if no funds are planned.
SWCD Directors are not required to submit the Statement of Economic Interests
- Confirmed with the Ethics Council Jan 2023 -
We recommend contacting your local General Registrar early if you have any questions and to ensure you know what is expected of you. And of course again when ready to file your completed forms.