The Alliance to Advance Climate-Smart Agriculture

Supporting producers to increase productivity, strengthen markets, and improve climate resilience.
The Alliance to Advance Climate-Smart Agriculture (formerly the RIPE Partnership) is a pilot program that will reward farmers and ranchers for adopting climate-smart agriculture practices while generating real-time information about how to reach and engage producers, best design a program with significant opportunity for environmental benefit, and generate market access for climate-smart commodities.
The objective is to support producers to increase productivity, strengthen markets, and improve climate resilience.
To achieve this objective, this pilot will:
provide financial incentives to producers and landowners, including early adopters, to adopt climate-smart agricultural production practices, activities, and systems on working lands;
develop markets to promote climate-smart commodities; and
measure, quantify, monitor, and verify the carbon and greenhouse gas benefits resulting from these practices
Virginia’s pilot will be led by the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, and implemented by the Thomas Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District and Colonial Soil and Water Conservation District (“Supporting Partners”). Virginia Cooperative Extension and Virginia State University’s Small Farm Outreach Program will assist the supporting partners with recruitment. In line with the Justice40 goals, 40% of participating producers will be underserved or limited resource operations.
Approved Climate Smart Practices
Qualifying practices have been selected from the USDA-NRCS list of conservation practices. All practices will meet approved NRCS standards.
Conservation Practice Standards:
Project Area - Year 1
Thomas Jefferson SWCD (5 Localities):
Albemarle, Fluvanna, Louisa, and Nelson Counties and the city of Charlottesville.
Colonial SWCD in partnership with Hanover-Caroline, Henricopolis, James River, Peanut, Three Rivers, Tidewater SWCD’s (19 Localities):
Caroline, Charles City, Chesterfield, Essex, Gloucester, Hanover, Henrico, Isle of Wight, James City, King & Queen, King William, Mathews, Middlesex, New Kent, Prince George, Surry, and York Counties, and the cities of Suffolk and Williamsburg.
Conservation Crop Rotation | 328 |
Tree/Shrub Establishment | 612 |
Riparian Forest Buffer | 391 |
Feed Management | 592 |
Riparian Herbaceous Cover | 390 |
Nutrient Management | 590 |
Silvopasture | 381 |
Filter Strip | 393 |
No Till Management | 329 |
Irrigation Water Management | 449 |
Reduced Till Management | 345 |
Pasture and Hay Planting | 512 |
Cover Crops | 340 |
Prescribed Grazing | 528 |
Our Partners


For more information
Each state lead will be responsible for selecting the participating soil and water conservation districts within their respective state. More details will be announced soon. To find out more, please email us and sign up for our mailing list.